Crimean Prosecutor initiates criminal investigation into circulation of Mein Kampf
According to the Internet publication Podrobnosti which reports that the Prosecutor has become involved, veterans of World War II reported that Hitler’s book, banned in many countries, was being sold freely in Simferopol. Seven copies were found during a check of the book market.
The National Expert Commission on Public Morality which considered this issue earlier considers that “Mein Kampf” incites inter-ethnic enmity, calls to violence and propagates Nazism. These would be the charges brought against the publisher of the book, distributors and person ordering it who could face up to 3 years imprisonment.
According to the head of the department on inter-ethnic relations of the Prosecutor’s Office, Oleksandr Zinevych, at present a formal assessment is being carried out, and then the people involved will be established, and charges laid. The Head of the Commission on Public Morality says that the Commission’s ruling is that the book is in contravention of Ukraine’s Contravention. The issue of its circulation is in the competence of other bodies.