TORO: Ukrainian enforcement bodies are undermining democracy
The creative Union "TORO", Transparency International National Contact in Ukraine, urges the law-enforcement organs to stop highhandedness in relation to „All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH" and demands the public report of the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine on the reasons of direct violation by the Ukrainian law-enforcement officers of the rule of law principles.
Creative Union "TORO", Transparency International National Contact in Ukraine is deeply anxious about the content of the Order of the Department on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine to its territorial divisions (№40/2/1-106 as of January 18, 2011) regarding the inspection of all the major contracts, legal, bookkeeping and financial documents of „All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH". In accordance with the indicated Order, Heads of territorial divisions, while collecting information about the people who are currently receiving supporting replacement therapy, are due to make inquiries about their HIV-status and their attitude towards replacement therapy. Such a requirement of the law-enforcement officers is the direct violation of the Ukrainian and international legislation in the sphere of human rights, since the requested information is confidential, and its communication to strangers leads to criminal liability. In the opinion of the Creative Union „TORO" illicit actions of the Ukrainian law-enforcement officers on the collection of personal data undermine major democracy principles and create ground for the further highhandedness of the authorities.
Actually, on January 21, 2011 without prior notification and without explanatory documents the Prosecutor's office of the Podil district of Kyiv together with the Department on Combating Organized Crime and the Department on Combating Illicit Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine have started inspection of all the major contracts, legal, bookkeeping and financial documents of „All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH". Such activity of the law-enforcement officers corresponded with the critical statements of „All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH" regarding non-efficient actions of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine on organization of procurement of medicines for the needs of HIV-infected Ukrainians.
Such conduct of the law-enforcement officers cannot remain without attention from the civil society activists. Since, if law-enforcement officers start check-ups of such organizations as „All-Ukrainian Network of PLWH", which are famous in Ukraine and abroad, without any prior notifications, they could behave themselves with the rest of NGOs, which are less prominent, in a more cynical and brutal manner. Taking this into consideration, Creative Union "TORO", Transparency International National Contact in Ukraine demands that the Prosecutor General and the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine explain to the public the reason for such excessive attention to the activity of the biggest organization of HIV-positive people in Ukraine.