So how long can Ukraine defer measures against corruption?
Transparency International’s 2010 Global Corruption Barometer, published on Thursday, indicates an increase in corruption over the last three years. In Ukraine the situation has worsened since last year, and the 34% who reported having paid bribes during the last year was considerably worse than in Russia (26% and Belarus (27%), though lower than in Moldova (37%) and Azerbaijan (47%).
Georgia, it should be said, had made incredible progress with only 3% reporting paying bribes, putting them among the least corrupt in the world, ahead of the USA and Canada.
Ukraine’s judiciary is the most corrupt, according to the Corruption Barometer.
The news throughout the world was anything but good.
“"The fall-out of the financial crises continues to affect peoples opinions of corruption, particular in North America and Western Europe. Institutions everywhere must be resolute in their efforts to restore good governance and trust," said Huguette Labelle, Chair of Transparency International.
In the past 12 months one in four people reported paying a bribe to one of nine institutions and services, from health to education to tax authorities. The police are cited as being the most frequent recipient of bribes, according to those surveyed. About 30 per cent of those who had contact with the police reported having paid a bribe.
More than 20 countries have reported significant increases in petty bribery since 2006. The biggest increases were in Chile, Colombia, Kenya, FYR Macedonia, Nigeria, Poland, Russia, Senegal and Thailand. More than one in two people in Sub-Saharan Africa reported paying a bribe - more than anywhere else in the world.
Poorer people are twice as likely to pay bribes for basic services, such as education, than wealthier people. A third of all people under the age of 30 reported paying a bribe in the past 12 months, compared to less than one in five people aged 51 years and over.
Most worrying is the fact that bribes to the police have almost doubled since 2006, and more people report paying bribes to the judiciary and for registry and permit services than five years ago.
Sadly, few people trust their governments or politicians. Eight out of 10 say political parties are corrupt or extremely corrupt, while half the people questioned say their governments action to stop corruption is ineffective.
"The message from the 2010 Barometer is that corruption is insidious. It makes people lose faith. The good news is that people are ready to act," said Labelle. "Public engagement in the fight against corruption will force those in authority to act - and will give people further courage to speak out and stand up for a cleaner, more transparent world." ( - the entire report can be downloaded from this site).