war crimes in Ukraine

The Tribunal for Putin (T4P) global initiative was set up in response to the all-out war launched by Russia against Ukraine in February 2022.

Yury Dmitriev: My Work Is To Restore Memory

Yury Dmitriev, historian of Stalin’s Terror and head of the Karelia branch of Memorial, has been released from custody after being held for over a year on clearly absurd charges.  While excellent that he is no longer imprisoned, the ’trial’ is not yet over Excerpts from an interview after his release

Yury Dmitriev, historian of Stalin’s Terror and head of the Karelia branch of Memorial, has been released from custody after being held for over a year on clearly absurd charges.  While excellent that he is no longer imprisoned, the ’trial’ is not yet over.  

Details here Russia turns to punitive psychiatry as its trial of jailed historian of the Terror collapses

An extract from an interview with Yury Dmitriev by Elizaveta Maetnaya  Source: Moscow Helsinki Group [Radio Svoboda]                             

"[…] In the SIZO [pre-trial detention centre] where I was held, everything strictly followed the regulations: a step to the left, a step to the right—means practically being shot on the spot. My rights were not violated inasmuch as I’m a pliant person. They give me a bunk and I lie down,” Yuri Dmitriev recounts. “But twice they ransacked my cell because I’d refused to shave my beard. Because according to the law, until you’re convicted you don’t have to, but they started pressuring me and I wouldn’t give in. Well, since I wouldn’t take their fatherly advice, shall we say, they turned everything we had upside down. But, you see, it’s too late to change my soul, even with prison. The fact that I’d read before about the people who’d done time in that prison, this experience helped me understand their worldview and their experiences: how they walked down these corridors, how they were kept in these cells, and what was done with them afterward—I know that, too. That’s probably wah I simply felt everything they felt more deeply. And I hope that one day this will pour out into a few lines not plucked from nowhere but coming out of what I have experienced personally. . . .” 
“When you first arrived in Sandarmokh, what was there?” 

“When we arrived there the first time, there was no Sandarmokh. When we realized that this was the place, believe me, there was no joy whatsoever because there were graves, graves, and more graves, all through the woods. You could picture the full depth of the tragedy. And then what? Then there was simple labor. We dug, and people from the Prosecutor’s Office and FSB stood over us on all sides, but we kept digging, retrieving, and tallying. A dreary business. . . For the time being I can’t go to Sandarmokh or any other burial sites. I’m under travel restrictions and I’m not supposed to leave Petrozavodsk, I’m not supposed to violate anything. I’ve had time to think about all this because things remain undone and I’m drawn there (to the burial sites -- Radio Svoboda). I’ve already put together an approximate plan of what I’m going to do now — this year at least. 

“I have to finish the manuscript I didn’t get to finish before my arrest. These are 126,000 people about whom our State unfortunately doesn’t want to know anything. Approximately 20 percent of these ‘specially resettled persons’ and ‘resettled working persons’ have descendants living in Karelia to whom I now want to give information about their great- and great-great-grandparents: where they came from, why they were sent here to us, and what happened to them here in the first years of their Karelian exile. If they died here, then where they’re buried, since apart from my work with documents I’ve also travelled around of Karelia and found all the cemeteries in the special settlements. I give the GPS coordinates and whether these settlements can be reached and how, so that each person who finds the strength within himself can visit the graves dear to him.” 

“According to court statistics, 0.5 percent of people put on trial are acquitted. If this all follows a bad scenario and you’re convicted, who will carry on your work?” 

“Holy places are never empty. People will come forward. No one has to be taken by the hand for this, explained or shown anything. If someone feels the need, if it grows inside him, he will find a way. As for the trial, I don’t engage in fortunetelling. In these instances, I always quote Varvara Brusilova, who in her final word at the Moscow tribunal that sentenced her to execution (she was twenty-two and had a babe in arms), said this: ‘I’m not asking for mercy or quarter. I will accept any decision you make with perfect calm because according to my religious beliefs there is no death.’ And here it’s the same thing. My family, relatives, friends and comrades believe in me — and thank God, the rest holds little interest for me. I know what this regime did before. If they want to go on doing the same thing, oh well—I am one of the characters in my Karelian Book of Memory. There were 14,500 and now there will be 14,501, that’s all.” 

"When you were arrested, information went around that your unfinished book had been lost... "

" I have no comment on that for now, simply because I have not yet had the chance to sort everything out and figure out where things are. There was no time for anything; I didn’t even have time to fix the light before you arrived."

"The year 1937 has been brought up lately, both with reason and without. Nowadays, people are put in prison for reposts, arrested for taking part in protests that have been officially permitted, and so on. How would you define our times?" 

"Our times are defined easily and simply. Open our current Constitution and try to abide by it from the first article to the last. If you go unnoticed, then it’s not 1937. But if people say to you: Who cares what’s written in there? What’s that little book you’ve got there, anyway? Think for yourself." 

"While you were on remand, did people often talk to you about politics?" 

"Who in there can you talk about politics with? I had all different types of cellmates, but in the remand prison where I was, 70% of people grew up in orphanages, they’re children from disadvantaged families with a sixth-grade education, or seventh-grade, at best. They received me normally. If anyone was interested in what I did, then yes, I would talk about what I know: both the history of the executions in Karelia and the fates of specific individuals. In prison with me was a descendant of one of my very oldest acquaintances, Arvar Myakel, from Kondopoga. I talked to him about his great-grandfather. Karelia is a small republic, with the population of a large village. Everyone has heard something about everyone else, even about another person’s relatives. I am a religious man, and I began to lay down conditions: guys, when I’m praying, and that’s in the morning and evening, your cursing is unwelcome. "Or what?" they would ask. "God will fly down and give you a whipping!" – and at that everything settled down somehow, and it was quiet and peaceful. And then, lo and behold, others began searching for God, some more than others." 

"How do you feel about the fact that the Church is growing closer and closer to the government?" 

"Do you believe in God, or do you believe in the Church? God should be in the heart. Everything else was invented by people to make money." 

"What do you think, when will we stop fearing our past? Banning movies about it, rewriting history?" 

"All of our rights are written in the Constitution. When we reach a point when people are abiding by the Constitution, then we shall stop being afraid, most likely. Or maybe it will be the other way around: first we shall stop being afraid, and then we’ll start abiding by the Constitution, all of it – from top to bottom. After all, it’s possible in other countries, so why don’t we seek to achieve that in our own?" 

"While you were in the remand prison, did you lose a lot of weight?" 

"At first the weight really fell off, but then it stopped. The food, well, hmm, it’s alright. Katiushka (Dmitriev’s daughter – Radio Svoboda) brought me sausages, I would cut them up, and it made the food edible. Normal sausages," says Dmitriev. 

For his birthday, friends and associates from different cities chipped in and bought Yury Dmitriev a new computer. The one he used to write his books had been seized during the search; he had nothing to work with anymore. On the desk are old black-and-white photographs, of his mother and father. "My father was a soldier, a mortar operator on the front line just outside Leningrad, and then he rose to colonel of the tank forces," Dmitriev says. Next to the photographs are quotes from Ehrenburg, whom Dmitriev considers to be the best writer of his time. "Maybe it’s easy to live without memory, but such a life is hardly worthy of a human being. As difficult as memory may be at times, it is precisely what distinguishes humans from butterflies and culture from primitive existence" – reads the quotation displayed on his desk. 

Translated by Marian Schwartz and Nina de Palma

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