Journalist investigating prosecutor deal receives threats
The public funding watchdog ‘Nashi Hroshi’ [Our Money] reports that for the first time ever one of the journalists on the investigative programme ‘Nashi Hroshi’ on TV ZIK has been threatened while reporting a story. Most disturbing is the fact that the feature in question was about the Prosecutor General’s Office.
Alina Stryzhak began preparing material at the beginning of September for a programme on deputy prosecutor generals. One of the stories was about Anatoly Danylenko whose family had withdrawn from state ownership 140 hectares of a reservoir near the villages of Khlepcha and Soltanivka in the Kyiv oblast, using the ‘Soltanivka Kaskad’ firm. The story also talked about Danylenko’s property in Khlepcha.
A few days before the programme was to be broadcast she received an email supposedly from a journalist colleague. It said that he couldn’t meet with her in person, but that he wanted to give her information about a public figure. The enclosed files contained a computer virus. The next day a person appeared at her home with threats against her and her family, advising her not to get involved in investigations.
The presenter of Nashi Hroshi, Denis Bihus says that he is not only the presenter, but also the author of the programme and all questions about it and complaints should be made directly to him, not through (threats to) journalists.